Can Tai Chi Really Help You to Lose Weight?

The short answer is yes!

We all know that Tai Chi has numerous benefits for both your mind and body. Surprisingly, weight loss and calorie burning are one of them. Who knew? Obviously, the calories burned are not the equivalent of those burned running, jogging, or performing hard martial arts. Many of us, (for various reasons) are not up to heavy aerobic activity.

Calories burned during Tai Chi are equivalent to those of moderate aerobic exercise and, actually, will burn off more calories than surfing or downhill skiing. Although you don't burn as many calories with Tai Chi as with more vigorous forms of exercise, the numbers add up over time. Regularly practicing Tai Chi, along with a healthy, low to moderate calorie, healthy food plan will result in safe but effective weight loss.

On average, in order to lose 1 pound of fat, you have to burn approximately 3,500 calories. The numbers will always differ from one person to another. When it comes to how many calories a Tai Chi session or sessions burn up, there are a few different opinions. According to one source: 30-minutes of Tai Chi will burn around 150 calories if you are a 70 Kg person (about 155-pounds). Another source states that a 160 pound person can burn off 219 calories by doing one hour of Tai Chi. And if you practice approximately 15 minutes a day, that can add mean 25,500 calories every year, give or take a few calories. That also can result in a loss of around 7 or more pounds of body fat! What if you practice 3 times a week instead of daily?

Tai Chi can reduce your BMI and your waistline as well because it stimulates the organs (including the thyroid) and other systems in the body and increases your metabolism. As well, it promotes better circulation. Wastes in your blood are replaced with nutrients due to improved blood flow.

A 12 week study in 2015, was undertaken to determine whether Tai Chi and moderate-pace walking had any effect on weight loss and metabolic syndrome. The study included 374 middle-aged, Chinese adults. Without making any lifestyle changes, both groups lost moderate weight and significantly decreased their waist circumference.

Tai Chi also reduces stress which has a close link with weight gain. A 2007 study published in the journal "Obesity", showed that high stress levels have a direct relationship to overeating and weight gain. Yet another reason to practice Tai Chi!

Master Yang Yang, PhD, ( founder of the Center for Taiji and Qigong Studies and a former researcher and Tai Chi and Qigong instructor at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center) states that stress and poor sleep are frequently the cause of weight issues. Stress and inadequate or poor sleep have been shown to cause us to indulge in larger portions, more frequent snacks, and poor food choices. Tai Chi can help interrupt the stress, sleep, and weight issues. And don’t forget the increase in flexibility, pain relief, strength and all the other benefits of Tai Chi practice!

Bottom line: weight loss and calorie burn is not the same for all people and exact numbers are hard if not impossible to determine. Tai Chi will help you to lose weight, improve your metabolism and sleep, decrease your stress and your waist circumference.

So what have you got to lose?

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