It is my nature to be curious. Not surprising, I love doing research and discovering why we do what we do. For years, I have wondered why it is that in some Forms, we start out with our feet together in a pie or “V” shape. I knew it might be hard to get the “right” answer. Well, it certainly is! As one might expect, there doesn’t seem to be a “right” answer. However, there are many opinions!
This "pie or V shaped" foot placement is often referred to as a "ready or rooting stance". When we “root”, we are grounded. Ok, that makes sense. It establishes a “stable base” or foundation, if you prefer, and should help us transition smoothly to other steps and postures. Obviously, when we are connected/rooted to the earth, our body is erect and over our center of gravity. Our weight can be smoothly shifted between the feet and/or forward.
Let’s talk about that for a minute. When our weight is distributed evenly across the sole of the foot and we can feel our connection to the ground, we are ready to move in any direction, hopefully without wobbling. Important note: If/when you roll your weight onto the edges of your feet, you misalign your ankle and risk injury. In addition, you ruin your posture and body structure! This is a NO NO.
Correct structure is vital in order to move smoothly, responsively, and to allow Qi to flow. Each body part is stacked “squarely on the one below it”. Think stacking blocks or Legos! Joints must be open and not locked, or movement and the flow of Qi will be restricted. Joint fluid allows movement and compression and keeps you from getting stiff. Think of joints as being pumped up with fluid like a balloon or beach ball.
Now let’s talk about how this V or Pie shape relates to the principle of Yin and Yang. The angle of the feet “can represent the balance between” the grounded, stable Yin foot and the potential for movement in the Yang foot.
I am going to throw out possible reasons that I was given or read in answer to my question: why do we sometimes start with this 90 Degree, Pie, or “V” Posture?
Weight and energy control principle: If more weight is on the heel, energy sinks. When more weight is on the ball of the foot, energy rises. Therefore, as you move from the V position, your weight moves to the ball of your foot, and your body weight moves over the ball of your foot to drive your energy upward “for the next step”. Different muscle groups are activated.
Having more weight on the heels does NOT mean that the balls of the feet leave the ground.
Heels together signifies readiness and provides a stable foundation for movement and transition. The body is balanced, centered, and grounded. Feet are rooted, allow the generation of power, and enhance the smooth flow of movements and Qi throughout the body.
In this position, the center of gravity is aligned and posture is correct. The Tai Chi practitioner is mindful and focused, while “consciously connecting” the body and the ground.
A V shape “is a bit more natural to many people due to their habits”.
The V shape posture places a focus on energy flow. With your toes at 90 degrees, the hip joints are slightly open which promotes better Qi circulation.
The V stance in SUN style comes from Xingyi “because the founder was a top skilled Xingyi master.”
Some Tai Chi lineages reflect the influence from Sun Lu Tang and use the V shape. Most people attribute this to his prior Xingyi training, which does have feet together postures.
Sun Lu Tang is said to incorporate his earlier Xingyi and Bagua training into his Tai Chi style.
Sun Lu Tang also learned Wu (Hou) style. Because Wu Yuxiang was a member of the Imperial Court at the end of the Ching Dynasty, he had to wear traditional court dress which restricted stepping. This may be another reason why Sun Lu Tang often (but not always) used smaller steps and a heel together V posture.
Let’s talk about a bit about why Xingyi might influence the V shape postures.
The root of Xing Yi is spear fighting. You and your opponent are a spear length apart. In this case, having your feet together makes great sense because it decreases the risk of being “tackled to the ground”. Spears are/were heavy and having your feet together also allows better generation of power.
So there you have it: all I have been able to learn. BTW some answers came from Tai Chi Masters, some from experienced practitioners, and some from the internet. I welcome hearing from other practitioners who may have a “different” interpretation or possess the one correct answer (although I doubt there is one).
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