Methods to Restore Balance Along the Conception Channel

As mentioned in an earlier blog, when the Conception Channel is open and flowing, Yin energy travels up and out to the organs and extremities. Healthy Conception Channel flow is considered vital for more than a person’s physical well-being. It also affects their spiritual intuition, as well as their ability to manifest dreams, images, and intentions. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Conception and Governing Channels/meridians are considered “the core components of the human information system”.

Even though the Conception Channel usually has no significant Qi stagnation, we need to have a healthy, adequate amount of Qi stored in order to regulate and balance Yin channels. Restoring balance along the Conception Channel can be accomplished through various methods, including mind/body exercises, meditation, acupuncture and/or acupressure. Tai Chi and/or Qigong are excellent methods of increasing Conception Channel flow. Acupuncture is also a very effective method. However, there are those who are hesitant to try acupuncture for a number of reasons: fear, lack of financial resources, not understanding how it works, or even thinking that you have to be sick or in pain in order to try it.

We open and expose our Conception Channel when we love, trust, are proud, and/or are confident. In fact, when we hug someone we often press our Channels together.So what do we do when the opposite is true? Obviously, we close our front down by hunching, crossing our arms over our chest or stomach, we turn our backs, and we may even run away. The problem arises when we mentally or emotionally hang on to that experience and ruminate the situation. By doing so, we create a blockage in Yin energy flow!

What can we do to restore balance and flow? We can stretch and/or massage along the Conception Channel. Interestingly, we (usually unconsciously) open Conception Channel flow through the practice of Tai Chi and/or Qigong! The soft, flowing, continuous movements stretch and massage all the meridian points. The same is true when we practice Qigong. We stretch, turn, expand, and contract which in turn opens blockages and creates a stronger flow of Yin energy throughout the Conception Channel.

To clear the blockage, you can also (albeit with some trial and error), massage, stretch, tap and/or meditate at meridian points along the Conception Channel. You can use your fingers, fists, or even your elbows to apply pressure and/or tap along the Conception Channel meridian points on the body. When you thump, tap, massage, or apply pressure to these points, you help energy flow. If you do this when you are anxious, you dispel or decrease excessive energy. Thumping massage and pressure on these points helps the energy move along or dispels energy when there is too much and we feel anxious. All these activities can keep the Channel healthy and balanced.

Below are four powerful points that can help you to calm yourself and restore your balance, health, calm, and emotional stability:

  • Tap below your lower lip with a middle finger several times in a row (This is part of meridian tapping).

  • Pinch the muscles to the sides of your windpipe and stretch the skin out

  • Tap both clavicles several times in a row with both middle fingers

  • Place your hands on top of each other and rub small circles on your stomach below your belly button (Dantian area).

If you are more inclined towards meditation, some important points/areas to meditate on include: the throat, the heart and lung area, and the area around the Middle Dantian.

The beauty of all this is that you don’t need to incur a great significant cost, no special equipment is required, and you can help yourself to stay healthy mentally, emotionally, and physically!

Bottom line: you put responsibility for your own health in your own hands!

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