What and Where is the Governing Channel?

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the meridian system, also called channel network, is a path through which “Qi” flows. There are 12 standard meridians and 8 extra meridians which are not directly associated with internal organs. Three of the 8 share the same origin and emerge from the perineum. One of these is the Governing Channel (vessel).

The Governing and Conception Channels ( or vessels) are complementary but polar opposite the main rivers of the Yin and Yang energies. In medical Qigong practice, a priority is regulating these two channels in order to balance Yin and Yang in the body. In this blog, we will look at the Governing Channel, also known as Du Mai, Du Meridian, or Governing Vessel.

Du in Du Mai translates as govern, supervise, or oversee. Mai means channel, pulse, or range. The primary pathway of the Du Meridian starts in the lower abdomen (lower Dantian), then ascends along the midline of the sacrum and spinal column, up the nape of the neck, to the crown of the head down to the midline of the forehead and nose to the upper lip and gum. Viewing the Microcosmic Orbit blog will give you a very rough picture of the Governing Channel path (following the red path in the diagram). As one would expect, this channel also has some secondary branches. The Governing Channel contains 28 acupuncture points and is often considered the Back Channel because it runs along the spine and up over the top of the head.

The Governing Channel is also known as the “Sea of Yang Meridians” because it is said to govern and connect to all the Yang channels. The Governing Channel is also responsible for increasing all the Yang energy in the body and for nourishing the five ancestral organs, including the brain and spinal cord. As well, it also supplies and transfers energy to any deficient meridians, organs, or parts of the body. Interestingly, the Governing Vessel (I will use vessel here) is able to store energy which it can transfer to low energy areas of the body or places that require a higher amount of energy. One example is the process of healing which takes a greater amount of energy than other processes.

The energetic flow of the Governing Channel:

  • is Yang,

  • positive polarity,

  • the male aspect,

  • responds to treble tones,

  • goes up the spine and over the head,

  • stimulates the emotional regulation of the mind

By focusing on the Governing Channel, you can use acupressure, Tai Chi movements, and meditation to increase your energy flow on your own.

Because you can’t reach your back, by tapping or applying pressure to the acupuncture meridian points (usually with your fingers) you can release blocked or stagnated energy. These points are the occipital bone point, crown of the head, and the forehead center between your eyebrows. Another method is through Tai Chi or Qigong movements where you stretch or massage the area from your tailbone up to the top of your head. This will increase your energy and wakefulness because these stretches activate the meridian points along the Governing Channel.

Through meditation, it takes quite a bit longer to increase your energy flow. You start by meditating on each of the meridians in the Governing Channel as they travel up the back. You may feel nothing for a length of time. However, do not give up and don’t take “a day off”. One book (if you are interested in pursuing this method) that may be of interest is Mantak Chia’s Awaken Healing Energy Through The Tao: The Taoist Secret of Circulating Internal Power.

Here’s the good news: if you are already a Tai Chi or Qigong practitioner, by focusing on stretching and twisting your spine from your tailbone to the top of your head, you increase your energy flow each time you practice! Another reason to improve your body awareness and focus. And yet one more reason to practice!

Bottom line: the Governing and Conception Channels are very important to your health. Stay tuned for a future blog regarding the Conception Channel!

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