Your immune system protects you against millions of harmful, invading bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins, and parasites.
But when your immune system weakens or breaks down, disease has an opportunity.
Harvard Health Newsletter (June 2007) states that fighting off disease is a “young person’s game.” As we age, our immune system begins to lose its efficacy. To make matters worse, our immune systems don’t respond as vigorously to vaccines as we get older.
Luckily, evidence indicates that, in addition to improving your health, Tai Chi may also enhance your immune system.
One way it accomplishes this is by bolstering your lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is the part of the immune system assigned to fight infections. But when lymph gets backed up and doesn’t flow properly, waste is not drained from cells, and bacteria and other invaders are not filtered and destroyed, Subsequently, disease may result. Lack of exercise is one of the major reasons why the lymphatic system doesn’t operate efficiently, leading to a compromised immune system. Numerous studies have been conducted regarding Tai Chi’s ability to boost the immune system, by pumping the lymph around the body.
COVID-19 is everywhere these days, but being a virus, it doesn’t respond to antibiotics. This makes the health of your immune system even more critical. Another way that Tai Chi and qigong benefit immunity is through metarobic (slow meditative exercises) effects on oxygen saturation. Oxygen deficiency in the tissues can cause age-related decline in immunity, and also has a negative effect on T-cells necessary for mucosal defense, immunity, and fighting inflammation.
Tai Chi has been shown through research to enhance blood oxygen saturation, diffusion, and oxygen metabolism, because of the deep, controlled breathing. It has also been shown to increase T-cells, antibodies, and when practiced in conjunction with receiving a vaccine, will enhance overall immunity.
Researchers noted that Tai Chi may be particularly valuable for diseases for which there is no vaccine, such as coronavirus.
Stress, especially chronic stress, is yet another cause for immune system breakdown and propagation of disease. If you can retrain your reaction to stress by learning to relax - the essence of Tai Chi - you will strengthen and retrain your immune system by allowing the flow of qi to erode the blockages caused by stress. If you don’t have time to practice the entire form or movements, you can practice the mind-body principles (or concepts) when you are in a stressful situation.
According to a May 2011 article in Prevention, Tai Chi increases your body’s disease-fighting defenses by as much as 47% and triples the protection you get from a flu shot. They suggest trading your Vitamin C for a dose of Tai Chi to keep sick days away.
Your health is only as good as your immune system is strong. Numerous studies demonstrate Tai Chi’s positive effect on the immune system. However, Tai Chi does require practice and discipline and strengthening your immune system will not happen overnight.
On the upside, you will enjoy even greater health benefits if you continue Tai Chi for the long term.