What is the Smiling Heart Qigong?

The Heart in Chinese is known as the Emperor because it is the “supreme controller of the function in your body”. The Smiling Heart Qigong (aka Qigong inner smile technique) was developed a few thousand years ago to aid in bringing more happiness, peace, and healing to everyone. It is said to keep emotional stress from taking it’s toll on the body.

Because Smiling Heart Qigong is ridiculously simple, many people consider it “fluff” and never give it a try. However, some practitioners consider Smiling Heart Qigong to be a secret weapon “against the stresses and strains of modern life”.

Smiling Heart Qigong can fill your body with happiness, joy, and relaxation. When you smile, you use 80 facial muscles which sends a message to your body to relax by shifting the sympathetic nervous system to the parasympathetic. Smiling releases endorphins into your body. The smile on your face will come from deep in your heart.

Anecdotal Research:

One study looked at pictures of 1950s baseball player photos, both those who were smiling and those who were not. They were surprised to find that on average, the smiling players lived 6.7 years longer. Researchers at the University of California Berkeley and Michigan looked at photos in a year book of students smiling and unsmiling. They were able to accurately predict life success (finances, relationships, etc.) based on whether those in the photo were smiling or not!

You can do a quick experiment by lifting your eyebrows like you are surprised while at the same time looking up. Simple but it lifts your spirits and activates “feel good hormones that affect your brain chemistry”. This will help relax your mind while your body balances its hormones. It will also enhance your immune system. Who doesn’t want to feel happy instead of angry and down?

This technique is designed to put a smile on your face that comes from deep in your heart. Smiling Heart Qigong will release the tension from your face, your eyebrows, your eyelids, and your forehead.

Like all Qigongs, posture, breathing, imagination, attention, awareness, and will are required.

Let’s look at the preparation and steps to Smiling Heart Qigong


  • Find a quiet room in which you feel comfortable and relaxed.

  • Be aware of but don’t react to any sounds, movements, or smells going on around you.

  • Sit in a chair (can be done standing - see below), ensure your posture is correct, relaxed, and stable. Shoulders relaxed.

  • Release any tension in your forehead, eyes, face, eyebrows, eyelids, ears, and jaw, forehead, etc.

  • Let your tongue rest on the roof of your mouth just behind your teeth.

  • Lifting your eyebrows and imaging a white or gold light entering your body is optional.

  • Hands should be relaxed and resting on your thighs.

  • Relax your hips, legs, and feet.

  • Ensure that your feet are grounded and that you feel the floor or earth below.

  • Notice your level of comfort or discomfort. Adjust your posture as necessary.

  • You hear what is happening around, but you do not pay attention to it anymore. Calm down and focus on your slow, regular, abdominal breathing. Let your belly expand out comfortably.

  • When you exhale, let your breath release naturally as your belly moves back towards your spine.

  • Posture and breath will influence your emotional state


  • While staying in the same position, close your eyes open leaving a small slit open (optional: keep them open but relaxed and then eventually close them). Experiment to see what feels better or works better for you.

  • Keep your intention and awareness inside your body.

  • Smile softly by just moving the corners of your mouth up, see your lips smiling. The smile is subtle without being forced

  • Simile internally at yourself and let it go down to your heart.

  • See if you don’t feel happy and relaxed.

This exercise can also be done (shorter version) from a standing or lying down position):

  • Take a deep abdominal breath and hold it there for a moment. Then release slowly. This breath nurtures the organs in your abdominal cavity.

  • Be sure to use correct posture and focus on your breath and calming down internally.

  • Smile, let your tongue rest behind your teeth on the roof of your mouth.

  • Slowly release your breath and feel the happiness from from your heart, through your entire body and onto your face.

You can actually smile from any organ in your body. Most practitioners prefer smiling from the heart, because it feels so good. Best of all, it’s easy and fun to do!

Repeat the pattern as often as possible. The smile on your face will be deep and from the heart. Whether you do this Qigong sitting, lying down, or standing, the happy feeling spreads from your heart through all your body. Your body feels calm, clear, as it relaxes. That’s how you know that you are doing it correctly.

As always, it’s best to learn from an experienced instructor. If that’s not an option nor your preference, there are some great videos on YouTube or for sale.

Yes, it really is that simple and it can be done anywhere. However, like most beneficial exercises, it has to be done regularly. The more you practice, the easier it will become!

Remember the old saying? Smile and the world smiles with you……

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