What Is the Five Animal Frolics Qigong?

The Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi) has the distinction of being considered the earliest form of Medical Qigong in Chinese history. It dates back to the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Taoists have observed various creatures for thousands of years in order to mimic their movements and channel their qualities - vitality, flexibility, power, and strength - in their own lives. Two of their main interests were attaining health and longevity. As you may know by now, there are many different Qigong exercises that celebrate the energy and spirit of animals. The Five Animal Frolics (the earliest)is said to stimulate and awaken Qi. The five “animals” are: monkey, bear, crane, deer, and tiger.

History (or more accurately “Legend”):

According to legend, a Taoist sage, physician, surgeon, acupuncturist, and herbalist named  Hua Tuo created The Five Animal Frolics in ancient China to “eliminate sickness and strengthen the root”. It’s also believed that Hua Tuo based the Frolics on Chuang Tzu’s Taoist Practice, as well as Chinese medical philosophy. A bit of trivia you may find interesting: Hua Tuo was the first person in the world believed to have developed and used anesthesia.

Hua Tuo designed the particular exercises to cultivate health and longevity, as well as a method of rehabilitation, recovery, and prevention of illness. Hua Tuo addressed the root causes of illness and provided his patients with the tools for good health. One of his disciples, Wu Pu, is said to have practiced the Frolics daily, lived to be over 100, and wrote a book detailing the lessons he received.

Like many other ancient forms and exercises, The Five Animal Frolics lacked illustrated documentation, during very turbulent times. This resulted in many different teachers, lineages, and interpretations which were passed down for hundreds of years. The Five Animal Frolics was standardized between 2000-2003 when the Chinese Health Qigong Association was established by the Chinese government. Though there is some standardization, you will continue to find differences and similarities between schools, lineages, and systems.

The exercises mimic the characteristics, spirit and physical movements of each animal. They focus on meridian lines which are important for balance and connection. The benefits derived from practicing The Five Animal Frolics are both mental and physical. The Five Animal Frolics bring harmony, balance, and equilibrium within your body.Specifically the exercises improve respiration, the lungs, heart, circulation, liver, connective tissue, digestion, kidneys, joints, spine, and muscle strength. The exercises also result in improved emotional health, clarity, fatigue, and a decrease in nervousness and anxiety.

Each creature relates to one of the five elements and five Yin and Yang internal organs. There are two exercises per animal, which help clear any blockages or stagnation in meridian channels. They also help remove any contractions or tension.

Hua Tuo recommended that the sequence should be as follows: Tiger, Deer, Bear, Monkey and Crane. The hand movements are distinctive and help improve manual dexterity as well as increase grip strength. The exercises include the spiritual and physical qualities of each animal.

Let’s look more closely to see what the creatures represent:

Tiger: As the ruler of the wild mountains in China, the Tiger represents strength and courage, vigor, power, and inspiration.
(Liver energy flow)

Deer: Grace, relaxation, light, gentle, calm.

Bear: Strength, power, determination, stability, and a keen sense of smell. The bear is also slow and heavy.
(Spleen and Stomach)

Monkey: Flexibility, playful, coordinated, and nimble.

Crane: Balance, lightness, agility, graceful, relaxed, and balanced.

The exercises are both static and dynamic. According to Master Jesse Tsao, author of Practical Tai Chi Training, one can do a complete set of The Five Animal Frolics or choose a particular one or more to do repeatedly, depending on your needs and the needs of your body. You may even change the exertion according to your body’s “constitution and strength”.

Even though there are many versions of The Five Animal Frolics, if taught according to the principles, your mind, body, and spirit will receive the same benefits as the original. While it’s usually best to learn from a qualified instructor, there are some excellent videos available for purchase and/or viewing on YouTube. Check out: Master Jesse Tsao, Kenneth S. Cohen, Yoga Lilly, William Holden….just to name a few.

Wu Qin Xi is still taught today to Chinese doctors in training, and to their patients in recovery. The exercises are fun, have numerous benefits, and may be just the thing to bring out the animal in you!!!

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